“War Up Close” began a series of events in Louisiana with an exhibition at Xavier University

Last week, the “War Up Close” team conducted a series of events with virtual exhibitions in American Louisiana. The first event took place on March 15 in New Orleans at Xavier University, Louisiana’s only historically black Catholic university.

The project was represented by Mykola Omelchenko, the photographer of “War Up Close” and the first certified Google photographer in Ukraine, as well as Oleksandr Krapivkin, the North American community manager at the organization “Call.” The “Call” team organizes multifaceted events to support Ukraine and promote our culture worldwide. About 70 professors from various educational institutions in Louisiana attended the exhibition at Xavier University. With the help of VR goggles, they were able to see the realities of war in Ukraine and the consequences of Russian aggression up close. Additionally, Mykola and Oleksandr discussed plans for a tour of American universities in the spring and fall, aiming to expose more students to the realities of war through such exhibitions.

Last month, the “War Up Close” team held a virtual exhibition at Harvard University in Massachusetts.